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Industry News

“Nucleic acid testing” of wild mushrooms

Source:未知Author:admin Addtime:2021-03-27 22:27 Click:
Nowadays, Wild mushrooms are more and more favored by consumers all over the world, not only because they bring us delicious taste and provide us with rich and irreplaceable nutrients, but also wild mushrooms are particularly rare since most of wild mushrooms can not be cultivated. One of the most popular and well-known wild mushrooms is boletus edulis, no matter frozen boletus edulis, dried porcini or canned boletus made of salted boletus, all become indispensable delicacies on people’s dinning tables. However, there are nearly 100 cases of wild mushroom poisoning in Yunnan every year, that is why people love and hate wild mushrooms. Recently, Kunming Institute of Botany developed a "rapid detection reagent for amatoxin of highly toxic mushrooms". So we got "nucleic acid detection" for wild mushrooms ?

(Photo by Kunming Institute of Botany)
It is understood that the reagent mainly reacts with the processed wild mushroom to cause color changes, and identifies whether it contains amatoxin through the color. But unfortunately, the reagent is only used for scientific research at this moment, and can not be used as a basis to identify whether a wild mushroom is edible. The reason is that the production cost of the reagent is relatively high, and some wild mushrooms may contain a variety of toxins, which cannot be detected by the reagent. But with the continuous improvement and perfection of technology, believe it will play a positive role in medical mushroom field in the future, and perhaps more edible wild mushrooms will be found and brought to people's dining table in the near future.

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